10 Baby Care Tips for Parents New to the Family

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By WendellMorency

10 Baby Care Tips for Parents New to the Family

The first months are crucial for newborns. Newborns Baby Care are dependent on their parents for everything. This increases the responsibility. In no time, you will be able to master newborn care with the right techniques. Here are 10 things to remember:

1. Breastfeeding a newborn baby

In the beginning, babies may seem to be feeding almost continuously, sometimes every hour. As they get more comfortable with breastfeeding, you’ll find that they are able to choose when and how often they want to be fed. They will soon be able to breastfeed for longer periods of time, but they will be less frequent. They can be identified as hungry by the following:

  • Are you always on the move?
  • You can’t help but eat their fingers
  • Root (turn their head and open their mouths).
  • Make murmuring sound
  • Turn their heads (rooting).

2. The right way

Because newborns are delicate, their neck muscles don’t develop, you need to be careful with them. As you hold your baby’s head, place one hand on his neck and head. You can also rest your baby’s neck in one of the elbow’s coves. Then, use your other hand and hold your baby’s bottom.

3. Understanding the needs and wants of your crying baby

Baby’s only communication method is crying. Watch him closely and understand why he is crying so much. You baby may be crying for the following reasons:

  • He would like to sleep.
  • He is hungry
  • He is tired and wants attention.
  • He wants his Pacifier
  • He is too hot/cold
  • He has a blocked nostril
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4. Changing diapers or nappies

Baby’s first diaper should be changed frequently. Your baby should not be left in a dirty or damp diaper for more than a few days. Yes, bacteria in stool or urine can cause sore skin, infections, and nappy rash. You can protect your baby’s skin from diaper rashes by using good quality diaper care products, such as soft wipes, breathable diapers, diaper rash powder, baby creams that are zinc-based, diaper rash powder, and baby creams that are formulated with zinc oxide.

5. Bathing and washing your newborn

Baby care for newborns does not include bathing them daily. In the first weeks, you can gently wash their skin, neck, and bottom. Every once in a blue moon, you can offer them a sponge bath. After their umbilical cords have fallen and their navel has healed, they’ll transition from sponge baths to regular ones.

6. Massage routine

Massaging babies has many benefits. It can help them relax, calm down when they are cranky and improve their sleep patterns. You can give your baby an oil massage for 20-30 minutes right after they have had a wash, shave, or taken a bath. Massaging your newborns should be done slowly and gently.

7. Wear appropriate clothing

Comfortable clothing is important for your baby. Avoid bows, buttons and hooks on your baby’s clothes. Avoid shiny and fancy clothes, as well as tees that are too long and can pull up on your baby’s head. For little girls, cotton fabrics and jabla dresses will be the best choices.

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8. Your baby will be your best friend.

There are many different ways parents and babies can build an emotional bond. Talking, eye contact and skin-toskin contact are the best ways to start bonding. Talking, breastfeeding and holding or cradling your child in arms, stroking their heads, and responding appropriately to their needs will all help their brain develop. They also make you more familiar with your child.

9. Sleep well for them

Some babies sleep for hours while others need short naps. However, some babies may need to sleep for hours together while others might only need short naps.

  • Reduce the amount of day-time napping
  • Dim the lights
  • Read a bedtime story
  • Talk far from the baby
  • Sing a lullaby

10. The right baby care products

Be sure to consider safety and quality when selecting baby care products. Avoid products that contain chemicals, artificial fragrances or other unnecessary additives. The following checklist will help you ensure you are purchasing the best baby care products.

  • Only products for babies
  • You should ensure that all products are free from dyes and phthalates.
  • As they are not allergic, you can use more hypoallergenic items.
  • Look for biodegradable diapers
  • Buy plastic-free toys & cutlery

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